Friday, January 6, 2012

Journalism fellowship at university of oxford 2012/2013 by Reuters foundation

Mid-career journalists from around the world are invited to apply for Reuters Journalism Fellowship at the University of Oxford. The Thomson Reuters Foundation Fellowship  Programme offers fully funded Fellowships to well established mid-career journalists from throughout the world.
Applicants must have a minimum of five years’ experience in any branch of journalism and demonstrate sufficient proficiency in English to be able to participate fully in the life of the Programme and write a research paper in English of publishable quality.
The Journalism Fellowship Programme at Oxford offers a practical form of professional assistance to established and mid-career journalists. Its purpose is to allow journalists to tackle subjects in greater depth than is possible under deadline pressure.

How it Works
Around 25 journalists from around the globe study in Oxford each year on Fellowships of either three, six or nine months, covering one, two or all three terms of the academic year. Fellows may join the Institute in October, January or April.
Requirements of RISJ
Fellows are expected to produce a substantial piece of work to an academic standard. They are required to complete an 8,000-10,000 word research paper of publishable quality either as part of the Institute’s research output or independently (for example, as a survey of an important subject, magazine article or part of a book). Fellows may use multimedia in their work. Fellows have to present their research findings in a seminar open to the University.
There is a minimum requirement of 5 years’ full time professional journalistic experience and in order to take full advantage of the excellent facilities of the Institute and of Oxford University, a high level of spoken and written English is required.
What They Offer
Each Fellow is assigned a supervisor, usually an Oxford academic specialising in the journalists’ chosen subject, to advise them on their research. Fellows will also be able to approach other faculty members to supplement and inform their research and are entitled to access to the wealth of information held in the Bodleian Library and other Oxford University facilities and resources.
There are numerous specialist facilities within the university, such as regional centres for African, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Eastern and Western European, Japanese and Chinese Studies, and Fellows are more than welcome to take advantage of the University’s language laboratory and computer services.
No academic credits or qualifications can be obtained through the Fellowship Programme although a certificate is awarded on submission of the Fellows’ Research paper.
Worth of Awards
Awards may include travel expenses (including air travel economy class) and a modest living allowance. This arrangement is subject to variation.
Fellowships may be for three, six or nine months covering one or two terms or a full academic year respectively.  Dates of entry are agreed with the Head of the Fellowship Programme.
How to Apply
Below is a list of the materials you will need:
  • Completed application form
  • A full curriculum vitae
  • A personal statement  outlining  i) your journalistic values,ii) the major trends in the media landscape in which you work, and iii) a summary of what you think you would contribute to the Fellowship programme  (no more than 500 words).
  • A statement of up to 1,000 words explaining your proposed research project
  • A reference from your employer, supporting your application and granting leave of absence
  • A second professional reference (e.g. former employer).
Please send your applications with relevant documents to:
The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Oxford
13 Norham Gardens
United Kingdom
Deadline: 12.00 noon, Tuesday, January 31, 2012. Self-funded fellows may apply at any time.

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